...Disperse the snows now they return the herbs... the fields and the leaves to the trees...
...the alternations change the land... the riverbanks pass by the declining river...

...the nude graces dare to lead the twin sister nymphs... dances, do not hope for immortality, he warns of the circuit of...
...the sun and the nourishing which siezes the hours of the day...

...the cold is allayed by the winds,....
...spring is usefull to summer,going to be nearer...
...and at the same time the bearing autumn will have...
...poured forth the fruits of the earth...
soon the winter solstice reverts to inactivity..

...nevertheless the swift dear which belong to the heavens are restored to the moon...
...where we fall down with pious Aeneas with which in shadow , the gods are with Tullus and Ancus dust...

...who knows or may apply the time of the day for tomorrow...
...above the gods, joined the avaricious hands flee, of the successor...
...which will have given with friendly spirit..

... with once you are stricken down because of you ...
... Minos with noble powers will have done...
... no, Torquat,race, not with your eloquence, he will not...
...restore devotion to you...

...for Diana did not free virtuous Hippolytus ...
...from infernal obscurities, not did Theseus prevail to cut.. the chains of Leth from dear Parithous...